Convoy NFTs
To harvest and earn, you need convoys to pick up fruits from orchards daily.
Last updated
To harvest and earn, you need convoys to pick up fruits from orchards daily.
Last updated
1) 1 ready to harvest: you have 1 convoy free to explore the orchards. If there are 3 convoys available to start its picking adventure, will show as "3 ready to harvest."
2) "Select one" button allows you to quickly select one convoy and one orchard he wants his convoy working for.
3) Tap "Create a new one" button to assemble the owned animals and equipment as a new convoy.
If you'd like to add another members into an existed convoy, find the aimed convoy and confirm its "convoy information"; you can find an "Add in members" button.
4) convoy ID
5) total capacity value of this convoy
6) Balance: The rewards will pour into this balance after the convoy safely come back from an orchard with a great harvest.
7) Tax: a withdraw fee will be charged if player want to transfer the rewards from the convoy balance to his wallet.
8) contract period
9)Tap "more" to expand the convoy functions list: Convoy information: check the composition of the convoy NFT and add more members. Extend contract: contract the convoy to activate them to work for you. Select orchard: send this convoy to an orchard pick fruits Collect rewards: withdraw the all rewards from convoy balance to in-game wallet Sell: sent this convoy NFT to list on marketplace. Sent to friend: transfer this convoy to another account as a gift. Dissolve: disassemble this convoy, making as seperate animal NFTs and equipment NFTs.